Monday, October 14, 2013

Wave Imaging Sells to GeoCenter, LP

Wave Imaging is now a division of GeoCenter LP, headquartered in Houston, TX. This strategic alliance allows us to partner with a leading seismic data processing services company, while our Wave team will continue to specialize in onshore depth migration. In addition, Wave also provides consulting services to Summit Geophysical, located in Denver, CO. For our customers, this will be a seamless process as we will continue to maintain offices in Denver and Houston. Stay tuned for more details, or feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions. We are open and it’s business as usual!

Friday, July 5, 2013

New partnerships: gravity and seismic interpretation

Wave Imaging has created partnerships with two boutique firms which expand our reach. Interactive Earth Sciences Corp (IESC), managed by Mark Kramer and Peter Northrop, is a highly-regarded Denver firm specializing in seismic interpretation. We expect IESC to assist Wave with, among other things, well-seismic mistie analysis in situations where our clients lack the expertise or time. Terrasys Geophysics is a provider of potential fields software and interpretation. We expect Terrasys to provide gravity interpretation services to better constrain velocity models in difficult situations (e.g. salt, overthrust). More information about IESC and Terrasys can be found here:

Monday, June 17, 2013


Wave Imaging Technology announces the release of its new WIT 5DI technology. WIT 5DI is our implementation of 5D Interpolation. WIT 5DI uses a weighted least-squares polynomial interpolation to estimate missing traces. We normally only interpolate receivers (keeping the number of shot records constant), but can estimate new shot records by appealing to reciprocity. Click here for a WIT 5DI Case study.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dallas Geophysical Society Luncheon

WIT's CEO Morgan Brown mugging with Keith Brownlee, president of the Dallas Geophysical Society. Thanks to a three-hour flight delay, Brown very nearly missed this talk, walking into the venue after the participants had already eaten! Thanks to Louis Dubois for supplying the photo.